There is a New World emerging and we are all an integral part in ushering in this new era. How do we reweave both our personal stories and what we consider reality? What threads do we let go of and which do we weave into the new tapestry of life?
I used to run women's lodges here at Hawk Circle. We'd gather in our tepee,
light a small fire, share both drink and food, and sing a new way into being.
I like to think of these gatherings as a virtual women's lodge where
we once again gather around the fire.
How the Gatherings Work
Working with myth, the imaginal realm, and the natural world, we'll explore specific topics each month in relation to our personal journeys.
Gatherings will take place every third Saturday of the month.
There is no charge, however, you do have to register to gain access.

Stirring the Cauldron
January 15th, 10:00am, est.
One of the more difficult things we face is overcoming our own inertia. Dreams never manifested, desires never met are often the result of inertia. During this gathering we're going immerse ourselves in the energy of courage and stir the cauldron of our own lives to release our old stories once and for all.

The Illusion of Security
February 19th, 10am, est
What are the things you reach for and attach yourself to for the false promise of security? In today's world, where almost everything teeters on uncertainty, our sense of security can easily feel threatened. During this gathering, we'll explore ways to truly feel security, while letting go of the illusions.

Birthing Joy
March 19th, 10:00am, est
Living in joy is so much a part of the foundational essence to creating a new world. But what gets in the way? During this gathering, we're going to talk about trauma and the threads of co-dependency as we open the path to joy, soothing the soul and reclaiming our joyful essence.

Please register and you'll receive email announcements and a reminder for each month's gathering.
We will meet in our virtual lodge at
10:00am, EST on the third Saturday of each month.
Get Your Hot Cup of Tea Ready!