Calling Out Evil
Here's a word most of us don't want to speak, refuse to acknowledge or to believe. I get it. Evil is a heavy word and why would we want to believe it exists? We don't truly want to believe that there is anything that exists that is intentionally undermining our own well-being. But it does exist and if we're not willing to acknowledge it, call it out, then it continues to influence us in many ways.
We've all been born into the construct of an energetic grid system well-designed to undermine humanity's evolution. And there continues to be people who consciously work with this construct. This I never wanted to believe. And again, why would I?
I took a prayer class with Andrew Harvey several years ago where we explored all different types of prayers from many different cultures and religions. During this class, he shared a time when he spoke at a conference in NYC regarding the Divine. He spoke of how unconsciously we align with energies that are quite the opposite of the Divine. After he spoke, a well-dressed businessman approached him and invited him to lunch the next day. During their private meeting, the man shared with Andrew that he had one thing wrong. Not everybody was unconsciously working with the undermining forces, but in fact were very conscious about it and that he, himself was one of them. He said he was well aware of the fact that his actions were for the sole purpose of control, money and the undermining of humanity.

This was hard for Andrew to hear as it was for me too. Again, why wouldn't it be?
Even though I had worked years in the realm of shamanism, it was still very difficult for me to believe that there are people who consciously choose to bring harm to others for the good of a very small group of people.
We need to look at this. We need to call out evil. It's been in control for thousands of years and if we don't have the courage to look at it, then we can't truly disengage from its energy and its control. It's like having a family member that's an alcoholic. If everyone ignores the problem, then there is a great deal of accommodating going on. A lot of stepping around the problem without ever addressing it and that can take a great deal of energy and undermine your quality of life.
We're at a very pivotal point in history when a new energetic grid system is now in place. We have the opportunity to experience our lives in a whole new way. But how do we disengage from this old paradigm and engage in the new? What does that look like? How do we recognize the old undermining energies in all its subtle forms? And how do we listen deeply to the new ways coming through?
I'm offering a discussion series on this topic during the month of December.
We'll discuss topics such as:
Soul Negotiations
Wrongful Myths
In the Name of Virtue
Seductive Messaging
Messiah Complex
This series is free and while each call will be recorded, I hope you can be on the live call to participate in this important discussion.
Monday, December 9th, 7:00pm, est
Thursday, December 12th, 7:00pm, est
Monday, December 16th, 7:00pm, est
Thursday, December 19th, 7:00pm, est
Access call-in information on my Facebook page
on the morning of each call.