What is a Mystery School?
Traditionally, a mystery school consists of a guide, an initiate and the Divine. However, upon the threshold, only the initiate passes...

Humanity is Walking the Path of the Mythic Hero's Journey
Joseph Campbell's description of a hero's journey begins when the hero or heroine feels an inner calling to begin an adventure, a journey...

Where Chaos Leads Us
So here we are. In just a few days, we went from "normal" to being in a whole new landscape. And when I look to the future, months from...

When We Face a Crumbling World...Again and Our Soul Wound Bleeds
We are facing a crumbling world. The old paradigm is falling away and a new way is being ushered in at what feels like rapid speed,...

Weaving a New World and the Grail Path
As we approach the threshold to weaving a new world, nature and the feminine aspect pursues us. For some she may whisper in your ear...

Calling Out Evil
Here's a word most of us don't want to speak, refuse to acknowledge or to believe. I get it. Evil is a heavy word and why would we...

Celebrating Samhain
The nights are growing chillier and the trees have lost their leaves. I can see into the woods, the tall, slender, silver trunks of...

The Sacred Marriage
The Sacred Marriage What started out as a feeling, a thought, or a seed of consciousness when I was 29 years old, spoke so strongly to my...

The Solstice Bride
I walk down the deer-trodden path Feeling the morning mist caress my skin Flowers and summer leaves envelop me Their sweet perfume,...

Beltane and the Land of the Sidhe
Beltane is an ancient Celtic festival celebrated primarily in Ireland and Scotland on the first day of May. It can also be traced as far...